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I think you would agree we live in interesting times. Times that chip away at our hope in a better future. What and who can we trust? How can we be hopeful about our, our kids, and grandkids future? What is the answer? The answer lies in our creator.
If NASA encounters a problem with a process, they go to the person who developed the process. If a problem is found in a new invention, they go to the inventor. Then it makes sense that if we have a "hope " problem, we need to go to our creator ... God.
God has given us the gift of His word which provides us with encouraging Bible verses. The Bible passages below will offer inspiration for each day and provide comfort, strength and encouragement to cope with life's challenges, especially during this season of uncertainty.
If you need someone to talk to or someone to pray for you, please let me know. My name is Pastor Jeff and I want to pray and encourage you. Please reach out to me. (
May God bless you and give you hope to see a brighter future in His grace.
Encouraging Bible verses
Mark 10:27 “Jesus looked at them and said, ‘With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.’”
Philippians 1:6 “…being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”
Psalm 37:23-24 “The LORD makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him; though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the LORD upholds him with his hand.”
Hebrews 10:24-25 “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”
Feeling alone, rejected and needing hope and encouragement? The God of the Bible is the answer!
Sermon about Hope - You’re Never Alone - God is always with us.
God is with us at all times…He never leaves us, we may back away from Him but we is always with us.
The God of the Bible is a God that left all the Glory of heaven to come to earth and live the perfect life that we can not and to die the death that was ours to die…Why?
So that we can be free from the sin that we deal with everyday. Life is hard sometimes we feel as if no one cares just remember what Jesus has done for you and that He would do it again. He longs for you to be free from that pain and hurt that this world brings and to live a life in relationship with Him.
We Often Find God’s Grace During
Personal Crises
Looking for HOPE in a Crisis?
Hearing or reading about the faith journeys of thousands of Christians has substantiated our belief that individuals most often come to know Christ when they cry out to Him in a crisis. And often their faith is reinforced, or even inspired, by the testimony of others who are willing to share the stories of their own personal relationships with Christ and how they found hope in a tough situation.
This plan couples those two very common elements of the Christian experience with yet a third element — the overwhelming tendency of those who come to develop a personal relationship with Christ to return God’s grace in the form of Christian service to others in need.
The Christian experience many times progresses through the following three phases:
1. Experiencing a crisis
2. Receiving grace
3. Returning grace to others
Most of the inspiring and compelling stories we’ve been blessed to hear reflect all three of the above phases. These are stories of individuals who were in a crisis, either of their own volition or imposed on them by others or by external influences.
Whatever their crisis—a serious health issue, depression, PTSD, a history of emotional or sexual abuse, an addiction to drugs or alcohol, or the loss of a loved one—they all cried out to God for help.
In their desperate appeal for relief, their prayers were answered, and they were blessed immeasurably by the loving grace of God. In their gratitude, they felt compelled to share their stories and return God’s grace to others experiencing crises similar to their own.
We believe strongly in the power of God’s people sharing how He has used their trials to bring about blessings. God promises to never leave us or forsake us (Deut. 31:6; Hebrews 13:5). He also promises to use all the situations in life, good or bad, for the ultimate good of those who love Him (Romans 8:28).
If you find yourself in a desperate crisis that is causing great emotional pain and suffering, it is my fervent prayer that reading how others experienced God’s grace can provide you with relief and a transformation that inspires you to return that grace to others in need.
Please visit our prayer page and leave a prayer request. We promise to do our best to help you find HOPE during your time of difficulty. We have found God to be faithful to help when we pray to Him.